1. Don't cook with Olive Oil, use Grapeseed Oil instead and save the Olive Oil for room temperature things like salad dressing. On the upside, Grapeseed Oil is cheaper!
2. Close the lid on the toilet before you flush it.
3. Take a daily vitamin D supplement.
I was thinking of providing links for the "why's" on the above three, but anyone that reads this is just as capable of using Google as I am!
I like simple things that aren't fussy or complicated that really are medically or scientifically based. There is so much misinformation and hype lately it seems with "natural living"/organic/Gluten Free/Dairy Free/Soy Free/Cage Free/Grass Fed and on and on that it is just about ridiculous to know what is the next marketing ploy and what has true benefits.
I know that I, like everyone, want to take the best care of my family, but I also don't want to be one to jump on the latest bandwagon and spend money unnecessarily. So, I continue to sift through information, try things, and come to my own conclusions. And once I decide something is legit and worthwhile, I like to share!
Thanks for all your recommendations - lets see - love your clarisonic and magic eraser and I am sure there is more but that's all I can think about now!
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