It is hard for me to believe that I am about to embark on our second Summer with all three boys. Last Summer is a blurr in my memory... I can only vaguely recall having a newborn and two rowdy older boys in my care. ALL.DAY.
But, I am not scared.
I am prepared.
Sisk, boom, bah!
The Summer Bridge and other workbooks are stacked on the table. And each boy has a binder to put his work in for Daddy to look at when he gets home. Warren and Jack have already started doing some of the work every day so I know there isn't going to be any problems with motivation. I explained to them that they need to keep their brains sharp and not forget everything they learned this school year. They will most likely come away from the Summer ahead of where they leave off when school closes next week. The boys each have a couple of goals that I'm sure they'll attain.
The boys' rec center activities start the week after school lets out too! Yay!
We have a new park in our town with a great splash pad, bouncy floor, and seriously awesome playground equipment. We will be living there this Summer.
I am so looking forward to a break from the hurried morning routine that goes along with getting three kids up, fed, dressed, groomed and out the door by 8am. It will be nice to wake up leisurely for a few months!
I have sought out and discovered some great outdoor locals for taking some pictures of my kids and hopefully some of my neighbor friends' kids as I continue to try my hand at photography. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
We are all stocked up on sunscreen and it is stashed all over the house, in my car, strollers, and diaper bags... now if I can just remember to put it on me too...
This is going to be a great Summer!
Go, Summer, Go!