Friday, June 27, 2008

I love the smell of paint in the morning!

Ahhh, the sweet smell of success...for me lately it has been the smell of paint drying - that is, the smell of character being added to a room with each roller stroke. And the end result has me pretty proud too!

Here is the boys' new room:

*as you enter*

*Warren's bed*

*Jack's bed*

*closet wall*

They have been wanting to share a bedroom for a while and Jack would sometimes take his nap with Warren at the old house on W's trundle bed. They are really enjoying each others' company so far and I have loved standing outside their door listening to the uniquely dorky, "boy-humor" things they talk about before falling asleep.

What does success smell/look/feel/taste/sound like to you right now?


Brother from the same Mother said...

Remind me to mail a few posters of Jessica Alba and Pamela Anderson. Maybe a Nirvana door poster too! Check out my myspace if you get a chance.
love you sis, give every one a hug for me, talk to you soon!

Charity said...

Soon enough! ;) Love you too, little but bigger than me brother!

Anonymous said...

The room turned out great! Hey Nick-Love you too guy! Charity, you have some great ideas for decorating. I should have you help us here. Love you bunches!


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