Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A little bit about me

My diet is going...okay. A few the fact that the phrase "how many calories in a glass of white wine" is sitting in my google toolbox search thingy on my browser. The answer is only 77 by the way!

But seriously, I am in a sharing mood so here are a few things that you may or may not know about me. And I guess I figure if you are reading my blog, then you must be interested on some level =] So, here are some things about me right now, the Charity of 2009. Some are good, some are less than flattering, but all are me.
Sometimes my confidence is shakey. I can practically get into a mode where I question every decision I make and have ever made. Did I pick the right major in college? Was it wise to have Warren and Jack so close in age? Is the striped wall in my dining room over the top? Do I even like my own taste in clothes?
It is not productive. Self-reflection is good though so I try to find a balance.
I feel best when I have girlfriends that I am in regular contact with. I have always been the type to have a couple of really close girlfriends, but I definitely had a period in college where I had lost contact with my good highschool/childhood friends and was still grasping for new friendships. It was hard especially since I was at a mostly male college and then entered a mostly male industry. So, as an adult, this is something I put concerted effort into. It's not always easy, since friendships take energy and some work, just like any other relationship. But, when I slack in this department I can feel a negative result right away.
I am super emotional when it comes to my family. When my baby sister scored her first goal in soccer, I cried. When I see my mom at the airport, I cry. When my brother graduated boot camp in the Air guessed it. We may not be a super close knit family by all standards, but I love them immensely. And now my own family gets to be on the receiving end of my emotions. When the boys blow out their birthday candles each year, I (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) hold back tears, thinking vividly of the day they were born. Every milestone brings a well of emotion that usually manifests in tears. It can be embarassing.
I can be vain. I am naturally thin. I hope that only an appropriate amount of my self-esteem relies on my appearance. The funny thing is I am either totally gross in gnarly sweats or completely made up and in my best outfit of the moment. I have no real middle gear right now. So, I end up surprising a lot of people who know me in sweat-pant land who happen to see me in make-up land and vice versa. Sorry peeps!
I like things to be just so. Not completely in the OCD type way. But yeah, I may come down and fix the throw pillows on the couches before bed. I have always been one to take good care of my things and my surroundings. I like order and calm. I am a closet minimalist. I think if I couldn't have kids I would live in a zen house with platform beds and modern furniture from IKEA, with little bamboo plants and water fountains wispering Japanese proverbs ;) This stands in stark contrast to the reality of my life with three boys!
Despite being a super emotional creature, I find it hard to display my feelings of love for my husband sometimes. There are times throughout every single day that I feel a strong sense of love and adoration well up for him and I think "I must go and hug him or tell him how great he is." Then on my way to do so, I run into a load of laundry to fold and that somehow takes priority, the moment passes and the next thing I tell him is to turn down the volume on the TV. Why does that happen? Why do I feel silly to be openly lovey dovey with my own husband? Ouch -- it isn't always pretty to self-reflect.
I am a hard worker. I have a lot of energy. So, I have accomplished quite a bit in my 30 years on this planet. It hasn't always been smooth sailing and there are a lot of things I would do differently of course. But I continue to learn and grow and try to understand myself and how I can be a better person. I want to read this many years from now and laugh at the Charity of 2009 but also think of her fondly.

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