Friday, February 19, 2010


"{Goo Goo Bear},"
yesterday you turned 7 months old!

We celebrated by packing up and spending the day at the Children's Museum downtown,
getting in one last visit before our membership expired.

You were awake and alert and playing with anything you could get your hands on.

Your seven-month-old-self is chalk full of personality and energy.

You sit perfectly by yourself now, rarely toppling over.

You are also:
Trying ever so hard to crawl. You get your knees up under your tummy, but then just aren't sure where to take it from there. Soon...

Quite proficient at navigating around the main level in your walker...right over to Daddy's coat draped over the barstool to get in some prime chewing, slobbering, nose-wiping action on his black coat. {Thanks for reminding him to hang up his coat in the coat closet!}

Nursing with the same enthusiasm as ever. Usually every two hours round the clock. You like the baby food too, but it pales in comparison.

Baby talking with a purpose. Like to draw attention to yourself, wake up your Momma and Daddy in the morning, or compete with the noise from your brothers.

Your personality seems to be pretty laid back unless you are hungry.

You have an easy laugh and quick smile, even for a stranger.

You love to bang on the computer keyboard while sitting in Daddy's lap.

Your brothers love you so much and constantly worry after you.

They are the ones that have been calling you "Goo Goo Bear" since the day you were born.

All indications are, you are going to be just as unique and special as both Warren and Jack!

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