Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just some pictures.

A book that stands the test of time, that even I might need to reread every now and then.  Oh yes, I am so very far from perfect!  I swear whenever we read this with the kids though they are extra good for a couple days and we can refer back to its simple yet resounding messages.

More and more these two are bonded and it is not unusual for me to see them holding hands sharing a piece of fruit in the gazebo in front of our house.  They both love fruit so much!

Maybe this is why childproofing never really worked for us???

No matter the Wii, iPod, iPad, computer, TV... the kids all LOVE the etchasketch and take turns making "masterpieces."

Bryan is using raw local honey (these from Lyons) to manage his mild seasonal allergies.  I always feel a little silly when I mention any health tips or anything like that, not being the least bit qualified outside of myself being a very healthy person (can't even recall last time I had so much as a cold and I am fit as a fiddle and even have LOW cholesterol), but a few things that we do around here that stand out are:
  1. We use spinach on everything in place of any other lettuce, like tacos, sandwiches, etc.
  2. We don't drink or even buy juice, opting out of those extra calories and sugar.
  3. We love Ezekiel bread and all things whole grain and I am even experimenting with new seeds (outside of my usual flax seeds) and bought some Hemp and Chia (yup, like the Chia pet!).  They offer tons of antioxidants and Omega-3 and fiber.
  4. We take a daily vitamin (even though I understand it's most likely not necessary) and I love to take one other supplement, right now Mega D3 with vitamin D, resveratrol and red wine extract.
  5. We are active!  Kids are outside more than inside.  I clean my own house pretty much non stop all day activity there! 

They are working so hard this Summer!  And playing hard too and being plenty ornery and obnoxious at times.  But they are learning new things nonetheless!

Jumpin' Jordy's Bounce house is so close to our house and is a favorite desperate to get out and burn some little boy energy destination.  They throw themselves against the walls of the jumping castle, pretending a bomb has gone off.  Cracks me up every time. Boys... they are SO odd! :)

Ha!  Another "health tip": sleep.  And lots of it.  The boys go to bed early, even in the Summer, I know I am so mean.  But they need and benefit from the nearly 12 hours per night and I know I certainly benefit from some down time without kids.  Amen.

I may have created a monster :)  Bryan loves thrifting now too and recently found this Polycom projector for under $10, planning to sell it on ebay for a handsome profit!

This milestone really should have its own post, but I am all kinds of helter-skelter these days... so drum roll please... WARREN CAN SWIM!!  So proud as usual of the way he knocks these kinds of milestones out of the park.

Surely, Nolan loves his birthday present from Mama and Daddy.


And one last one, just because I can't get enough of this scene, I should have been a teacher.

These are all just cell phone pics, since I have yet to figure out how to capture the candid in-the-moment life type images with my DSLR.  Everyone starts posing when I break that out.  Oh well...

We went to Eldorado Canyon today and hiked the Fowler trail there.  It was perfect.  Perfect weather, not a bug in sight, lots of rock climbers to gawk at, and a happy family of five trudging along enjoying this awesome State that we get to call home.  I have pictures to share from that too... and yes they are just more cell phone pics :)

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