Friday, February 17, 2012

One of Those Days...

Starts with a sleepless painful night. And it goes on from there...

Confirmed strep throat at OB appt (Luke is perfect!) but not before the first quick strip culture failed and your doctor gets called to an emergency delivery and you reach capacity of sitting in a tiny exam room with multiple children.

Doctor accidentally calls antibiotic prescription into wrong pharamacy, giving you 20 "bonus" minutes at Target with three wild boys on an in-service day from school.

Tearful conversation at the dining table over manners/fighting and Mama being sick.

Discovering someone wrote pen on the leather couch.

Feeling overwhelmed by laundry.

TV on so long it is heating the living room.

Eating oreos and popcicles for lunch.

Feeling resentful that hubby used all the hot water this morning, leaving you a cold shower you can't seem to recover from... even though you know he has a cold too and has a big day at work today.

No patience for typical little boy behavior.

Wishing the day away.

Thankful for unconditional love and forgiving hearts from your kids.

Knowing it is only noon and you have a trip to pack for and that everyone has those kind of days, so why should you be immune?
The Amoxicillin will work quickly
We will be on the road to a relaxing fun weekend trip soon
Laundry will always be there
A spree of tv and junk food isn't the end of the world
Tomorrow is a new day

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