Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the very full caterpillar

We stayed home today. All day. I was going to take the boys to the library and get the oil changed in my car, but alas, a certain 4 year old's behavior after I picked him up from his well-behaved morning at preschool prevented us from venturing out.

So, in between finishing laundry and other equally stimulating chores, we played little games.

Like I would write a letter on a piece of paper and then Warren would use these great markers that my aunt Shelli got him to trace over the letter. These markers are so cool, kind of like bingo markers :)

Then we got out the hungry caterpillar puzzle and put it together. The best part is that after the puzzle is done, the boys sat on the floor for 30 minutes putting all of the stick-ons on the puzzle. They were nicely taking turns feeding the caterpillars all the picnic food until they were quite content that the caterpillar was very full.

So, I just grilled salmon for dinner and we ate an early supper since Bryan is having a dinner meeting. And going to bed early sounds good too. Tomorrow is another day that may or may not consist of getting my oil changed.

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