Wednesday, May 27, 2009

They didn't get the memo

Someone clearly forgot to tell these two furry creatures that inhabit my house that there is lots of work to be done around here:

{Wrigley loves to hang out in his kennel, especially if things are hectic downstairs}

{Reagan on "his" bench, where he sleeps and people watches with his blankie}

Like all these dishes in the sink and dishwasher that need tended to:

Oh, and the playdoh that somehow made its way to the carpet on the bottom stair and then smashed itself in just enough to where cleanup will not be easy.

But, it's all good! Did I mention that it is a certain someone's LAST day of preschool today!? Looking forward to a nice long Summer before his official "school years" begin. Such a handsome little man:

Apparently he didn't get the memo either, regarding the fact that I am terrified of him growing up and not being my little mamma's boy forever...*sigh*...better soak up all this time now!

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