Monday, September 13, 2010


... Nolan fell asleep in his highchair eating a snack after playing playdo outside with neighbor friends.

{Hello, Sweetness!}

... Suddenly Warren can tie his shoes. By himself. Let me repeat, the kid can tie his own shoes. Just like that!

... When I asked "Jack, did you have fun at swim lessons?", he responded "of course!" with the kind of enthusiasm that only he can muster.

... Warren did a page of homework (that isn't even due til next Monday) while Jack had his lesson, and Nolan happily toddled around the waiting area and I had one of those super rare moments as a mother to three boys where I actually thought to myself "I've got this! I've totally got this."

... I vow to bring my camera on Wednesday to the rec center to capture the aforementioned scene, so I can gaze upon it lovingly during those times when I so totally do not got this.

... I am looking forward to a new Mom's Group that starts tomorrow. Nolan will go to the childcare room for 2 hours while I attend... hmmm... wonder how that's gonna go?!

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