Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Big 2-9

*I turned 29 on my usual birthday of November 9th, no big deal. Spent most of that day at Sea World and even went on a roller coaster - nothing says "I'm still young" like a clenched jaw and white knuckles on the Steel Eel, right? But ever since that last youthful hoorah I have been thinking "am I getting old?" Next year I will be thirty and I just want to make sure I haven't already settled into some kind of rut like I see other people in and wonder if they even know. Ya know?

So, I am ramping up my going-to-the-gym efforts and actually using the Crest White Strips that have been in my cabinet forever and drinking more water and basically making a desperate last attempt to make sure I am in check in my last year in my twenties...which is actually not even a year now, more like 359 days...AND COUNTING!!

*Bryan worked/played with Warren today outside throwing a football and MAN, the kid has some natural ability. Wasn't so much the distance he was throwing it (a mere 20-25 feet) but the speed and accuracy with which he was hitting his target. Sheesh, maybe he will make us rich someday as a quarterback ;) If nothing else we will definitely be enrolling him in football ASAP.

*The boys went to 'parent's nite out' at Warren's school last night and we went grocery shopping while they were there. I know we are lame but it is a treat for us both to go to the store and take our time. We got the boys new pajamas while at the store...with capes, because naturally all we end up doing when we are not with the rug rats is talk about them and buy things for them:

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hello Charity,
I'm new to reading your blog, your kids are super cute! I have a little boy who is almost 2.5 (next month). I found your blog through 4 little men and girly twins, from her recent post about Ozzie having surgery. I was reading a few comments, since my son has surgery on friday as well. I saw that you said your son had his tonsills out and if I remember correctly you said he was 2. So I guess my point is, I don't know anyone who's child has had their tonsils removed at the age of 2. If your interested in sharing how that went of if I would be able to find this on your blog, I'm very interested. He will be at Children's for the surgery but we have to stay overnight with him as well. I hope to hear from you, if interested. :)
email is:


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