Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Sweet Spot

Three months old, and leaving most of the newborn-ness behind.

These things describe you at 3 months:

More controlled motions.
Rarely crying at all, you are not one to fuss.
Eye contact, giggles, belly laughs.
Reaching for things.
Grabbing fist fulls of Mama's hair.
Tummy time. Holding your own head up.
Sad faces with a big bottom lip when I walk away from you.
Spending time every morning with Daddy.
A tooth coming in already (bottom left). Lots of drool.
Wearing 6-9 months clothing (you are long). With lots of Baby Legs!
Rolling ("Rolly Noli") tummy to back and nearly back to tummy.
Mimicking sounds, I swear you say "hi" and "Mama".
Going on your first airplane ride to Kansas City.
Refusing to take a bottle of any kind (we've tried them ALL).
You stubbornly wait it out until I can nurse you.

Baby talk. Coos and gurgles and squeals.
Surviving your first time being carried up the stairs by Warren.
Mama almost had a heart attack when I saw you two.
Warren has vowed to not do that again,
even when he thinks you are bored and want to come upstairs
to the laundry room to see me.
Shoving your fist in your mouth.
You favor the left hand, we wonder if you'll be our first leftie.

Taking a shower every night with Daddy.
You love the shower so much, just like Warren and Jack did,
and still do.
Sleeping in bed still with Mama and Daddy.
I know I should transition you to your crib soon,
but you are like my little stuffed animal and, well,
I'm not sure how I'll sleep without you close by.
Interacting with your brothers.
Looking at this list, I have to laugh a little because it could very well describe
just about any baby out there.
But you're not just any baby, you're our baby.
Warren and Jack's little brother.
Our Noli-Canoli!
With bright blue eyes and such a sweet disposition.


Unknown said...

Charity, you did a great job! This is awesome.

Erica said...

So sweet! He is a beautiful baby! I remember the struggle to try 10 different bottles with my first born and third, I finally gave up with both of them!


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