Friday, May 21, 2010


Jack, you seriously crack us up on a regular basis.

It wasn't long ago that when you were thirsty you would

simply whine for someone to get you some water.

I would recite Shel Silverstein to you,

of course subsituting Jack for Jane:

Nowadays, you are all big-boy-independent.

Grabbing whatever glass

{or stemware}

within reach from the counter and helping yourself.

We have become very cautious about opening the freezer.

You are growing up so quickly.

On a completely unrelated topic, I have a new love:

{other than italian style polenta, which I made for the first time for dinner last night and then scarfed up the leftoevers for lunch today... yum!}

Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel!

I got a bottle from Whole Foods the other day. It is great! I haven't used an astringent since my age ended in "teen" -- rememeber Sea Breeze?!

But something about this product was apealing to me as we head into the sweaty Summer months of thick sunscreens. Highly recommend it!

Now I just need to go get some cotton balls, so I don't have to dust off t.p. remnants from my face after I use it anymore!

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