Wednesday, October 27, 2010


What's that, you say? It's only Thursday. Well, whatever, it feels like it has already been a very full, long week.

Monday I got to hear words like "role model" and "asset to the classroom" at Jack's parent/teacher conference. Then I got to visit with a good friend and her brand new one month old daughter, and if we weren't already TTC, I would have had full blown baby fever. But then I tackled a very ambitious idea of painting wooden airplane model kits with 18 little boys at my after school club and the pendulum swung back in the other direction. Monday was a long day!

So, it seems fitting that we had a ridiculous wind storm that night and got zero sleep. I was a complete zombie all day Tuesday, didn't make it to my Intentional Mom's Group, and was so happy to curl up on the couch with all the boys after school and watch Coraline once Warren got a good start on his homework.

Wednesday, after getting at least a little bit of sleep, I was feeling revived! Got myself spiffed up and drove to Bryan's work with Jack and Nolan to meet him for lunch. So fun! I was jazzed to take some pictures of the boys with their Daddy at his work... until I realized that yet again I forgot to return the memory card to the camera. Argh!

We had a nice lunch and came back home in time to walk to pick up Warren and return to greet one of our favorite little neighbor boys, whom we got to have visit us for several hours. The kids were SO good, which turned out to be a huge blessing because I had about an hour and a half of severe food poisoning symptoms, presumably from the salad I had a lunch. No fun, but soon enough it was a distant memory and health was restored.

Which brings me to today, Thursday. The day before my Mom is due to arrive. The day before Warren's first day of basketball camp. The day before Jack's Halloween party at school. The day Bryan is going to Warren's school to surprise him with lunch... and I am SO excited for Warren to have that memory and know how special he is to his Daddy. Brings a tear to my eyes, much like when he brought me the pillow from his bed and a little dixie cup of water when I was dreadfully ill yesterday. Love that boy! Love all my boys! Love the weekend! Much love...

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