Friday, April 3, 2009

What my little monkeys think of me:

What do you do when you catch your boys laying on the back of the couch in their underwear? Why plop down on that very couch and interview them of course!

1. What is something mommy always says to you? "Be good [W]", "Don't say potty words [J]"

2. What makes mommy happy? "When I have a good day at school [W]", "When I eat my food [J]"

3. What makes mommy sad? "When we fight [W]"

4. How does your mommy make you laugh? "When you're silly [W]", "When you do happy stuff [J]"

5. What was your mommy like as a child? "Just like me [W]", "Yeah [J]"

6. How old is your mommy? "24 or 25, or are you not that number? [W]", "I am fine with that number [Me]"

7. How tall is your mommy? "This tall [W]", opening up his arms as wide as they go.

8. What is her favorite thing to do? "Go to the gym and take us to fun places like the museum and to get ice cream [W]"

9. What does your mommy do when you're not around? "Fold laundry and relax [W]", "Make my food [J]"

10. If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for? "I don't know. Too hard of a question. Maybe making meatloaf. [W]"

11. What is your mommy really good at? "Playing games with us [J]", "And exercising [W]"

12. What is your mommy not very good at? "Fixing my Star Wars toys, so daddy has to do that for me [W]"

13. What does your mommy do for a job? "Pay for stuff at Target mostly and clean my house [W]"

14.What is your mommy's favorite food? "Broccoli and spinach [W]", "And salmon [J]"

15.What makes your mommy proud of you? "Pooping in the toilet [J]", "Writing my name [W]"

16. If your mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be? "Padme from Star Wars the Clone Wars [Both]"

17. What do you and your mommy do together? "Read books [J]", "Go to Dave and Busters for a treat [W]"

18. How are you and your mommy the same? "We have the same last name, Lawson [W]"

19. How are you and your mommy different? "We have different faces and I'm a boy [W]"

20. How do you know your mommy loves you? "Because I'm so cute [W]", "You always say I'm such a nice boy and kiss me [J]"

21. What does your mommy like most about your daddy? "He is very strong [W]", "He doesn't say potty words like us [J]"

22. Where is your mommy's favorite place to go? "The gym, children's museum and definitely Starbucks [W]", "oh yeah, I love Starbucks! [J]"

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Their answers cracked my up! You must make a great meatloaf! The one about fixing things made me laugh too, cause Allie always says that Daddy is the best at fixing things too!


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