Tuesday, October 7, 2008

And the winner is________!

I left it blank because I really don't know. I am officially taking myself OUT of the rat race for a while. Namely, I am no longer working outside of the home. That's right, I took the boys out of daycare, quit my job and am just feeling so much relief and excitement to spend the next year giving them 100% of my attention, affection and energy.

Warren will continue to go to preschool three days a week though for the socialization and academics.

I believe I had a bad case of "burn out" from the non-stop pace of life since I left home at 17 for college. I guess I am not as strong and capable of everything that I tried to be and maybe thought I was. Life is going to get a whole lot simpler for me and my family this year. I am clipping coupons and planning meals and taking the boys to the park for long stretches of time (without a blackberry in tow!) and hugging my husband (now both the primary and only breadwinner), all the while knowing that I can go back to work whenever I want to.

There is no pressure (probably never was) to be the Super Working Mom of the Century -- who would even want that title anyways ;)


Jessica said...

Good for you! As you know I am envious of your ability to stay home. Enjoy the time home with your boys, I know I cherish my summers home with the kids. Good luck with your new adventure!

Brittany said...

Enjoy it, it was he best decision I ever made!


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