Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mmmm....smell the Love

I do love my new Harajuku Lovers perfume 'Love'...oh and also Diet Dr. Pepper while I am on the topic :)

Jack and I went to the play area at a mall nearby this morning and I finally caved and got this lovely fragrance. Well, actually I took something back and exchanged it for the perfume so as to not spend any money since, ya know, we are no longer a dual income family.

What else am I loving right now:
1. Bright sunlight in the afternoon without the accompanying summer heat.
2. The music to my ears when Jack says "I have to go potty!"
3. Getting a random compliment on my complexion from a complete stranger/passerby at the mall today...especially since the complimenter was a gay man with a great complexion himself!
4. Talking to Bryan on the phone today and hearing him say how happy he is with his job and company...thank goodness one of us found a career to love!

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