Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I think I have mentioned before that I am a pragmatist, so it is with great disdain that I must start to mentally prepare myself just in case these polls are not as corrupt as ACORN voter registration. Not to say I am giving up hope, just that I realize how many people are all about HYPE not really hope for anything other than a quick and easy handout from the government at the long term expense of our country's best interest and truth be told the dignity of those set to receive the handouts.

So, I am trying to figure out some potential "bright sides" if this does really go the way of the socialist, narcissistic, liberal...so far I can only find some solace in the fact that a couple of my democratic friends and one neighbor with an obnoxious display of political yard signs will be happy. That's about all I got.

1 comment:

Ohilda said...

I so wish I had your "sunny" disposition. I will continue to have faith that the polls ARE corrupt and that the "socialist, narcissistic, liberal" will not lead this country.



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