Friday, October 3, 2008

Recycling Bandwagon

Check us out - we are green and trendy!

The best part is that we don't have to sort the recycling or anything, just toss it all in the container and wheel it to the curb every other week. You can put all junk mail in there too, which is enough reason for me to subscribe to recycling all by itself. I am SO bothered by the waste of junk mail, I literally loose sleep over it. So, I have decided that in addition to recycling it, I am going to put in some effort to try to get off of the mailing lists for a lot of these flyers and magazine is the website I am using:

Shocking Junk Mail Statistics
*Each year, 100 million trees are used to produce junk mail in America. That’s the equivalent of deforesting the entire Rocky Mountain National Park every four months.

*Americans receive nearly four million tons of junk mail each year.

*More than 28 billion gallons of water are wasted to produce and recycle junk mail each year.


Anonymous said...

It's cool that you can be trendy and green. What'd you think of the VP debate last night? Aunt Shawna

Charity said...

I thought Sarah was a clear winner and so adorable I just wanna squish her up :)

I like to imagine her parking a minivan at the white house!


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