Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pre-Holiday Season Toy Sort

Guess what I did this morning? I took out ALL of the toys from the toy closet in the hallway and from the boys' bedroom and went through everything. Put back together all the games and made sense of all the random pieces and ended up with two giant trash bags of stuff to take to Salvation Army.

I do this every year about this time to get rid of things that are broken or no longer played with for whatever reason to make room for new things they will get for Christmas and Jack's birthday is in December as well.

It was quite the scene in the loft and I was completely overwhelmed more than once and considered just cramming it all back in the closet. But, I didn't and it now feels good to have everything temporarily organized, heck we were even able to actually play Warren's memory game with all the pieces in tact :)

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