Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nolan's Birthday Story

The following is Nolan Patrick's birth story. I want to capture the memories of that very special day in our lives before I forget. Just like I did for Warren and Jack here.

Lets begin with Friday night (July 17th). I was so uncomfortable, having irregular contractions etc, but it did all subside and I decided to just go to sleep and see what happened during the night...if you have read Jack's birth story you might have an idea why I was quite paranoid about that happenening again since we now live further from the hospital!

At what ended up being my final doctor appointment on Thursday (July 16th), my doctor stripped the membranes and let me know that he did not think it possible that I would make it to my next appointment the following week. I was 2 cm dilated and his head was at 0 station. Things were happening!

Thankfully, I woke up to the sights and sounds of morning, with an uneventful night behind me. Still having irregular contractions, I decided to get out of the house and get some exercise to take my mind off of it. Bryan suggested we pack up and go to Longmont to walk through the downtown area and have breakfast. Perfect! It was just me, Bryan, and Jack, since Warren was down in Pueblo with his Grandparents.

By the time we were ready to get back in the car from our little outing of shopping at thrift stores (found a great desk and chair for the boys) and eating a huge breakfast, I was literally climbing the walls -- beyond uncomfortable, lots of pressure, etc. But it was Saturday and I HATE to be the patient that has false alarms, especially during non-business hours. So, I really labored over the decision to call into my doctor. Finally giving in and of course being told to just go to the hospital to be checked out.

We came home and got our stuff and headed to the hospital, arriving at about 2pm. Sure enough I was 4-5cm and was officially in labor. The doctor ruptured the water at around 6pm and instantly the pain was through the roof. So indescribable! I was a mess over it because it had just come on so intensely and quickly. I got a shot of some kind of pain killer while the epidural was on its way.

Whew! Things were bliss after the epidural! And the following pictures were taken:

By this time Warren and Grandma Caryl had made it to the hospital, so my whole family was present for the last couple hours of my labor. At 9pm Bryan took Warren and Jack home and put them to bed. I started to get worried that he wouldn't make it back in time because I was really started to feel the urge to push. Sure enough I was fully dilated. I called Bryan and told him to get back asap. At 10pm, I started pushing! My doctor set everything up "midwife style", so it was very intimate and almost non-medical/hospital feeling. Bryan was right there encouraging me and we both sobbed when we first saw our beautiful son, Nolan, at 10:40pm. He was 6 lbs, 5 oz and 20 inches long.

We kissed his sweet head at the same time and got in a few moments of loving on him before the pediatric nurse intervened to address what ended up being his breathing issues that landed him in the NICU.

While the extended stay in the NICU was less than ideal, all in all it was the perfect day and I wouldn't change a single thing about it or the little man that has entered our lives. We love you SO much, Nolan!

1 comment:

Erica said...

That's a pretty good birth story! I love that your whole family was there with you like that! Glad your hubby made it back in time!


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