Friday, August 21, 2009

Three Tears

As a mother of three boys, I know I'll someday face the heart ache of my sons telling another, different, entirely not-me girl "I love you."

I know that they may disappoint me as teenagers (speeding tickets, a bad grade), do things behind my back (go in "halfsies" on birth control with their little tramp of a girlfriend, stay out past curfew), not always tell me the truth (break a knick-knack, sneak out of the house)...and I am bracing myself for all of that. I grew up with two brothers, I am not disillusioned -- at all.

But prepare myself for their entering elementary that is another story. These are real tears, people, not crocodile ones.

The first tear goes to Warren, who starts Kindergarten on Monday. Monday! Holy Cow! I mean, go class of 2022! Seems like yesterday I was making crazy hair when he got out of the bath and pushing him around in his dump truck. Now he has a three ring binder and a cubby. Waaaaaaaah....

The second tear goes to my second born. Jack starts preschool on Tuesday. He is so excited and proud and really I am too...really. Sniff. It's just that I can't believe he will be sitting in the little chair with the little table in the little classroom -- without me. I may have to force him to squeeze into the Bumbo chair one last time, just for old times sake. I guess he can't sit at his toy desk forever, grinning at mommy.

The last tear is for Nolan, who is a whole one month old. He rocks the party in his swing :)

Three jeers are next!

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