Saturday, January 17, 2009

Having boys means...

...hearing things like "put that gun down and brush your teeth," "hold your penis down so you don't pee on the wall," and "sure go ahead and eat your apple like a grizzly bear" coming out of your own mouth on a regular basis.

...having scenes like this in your living room on a typical Friday night - you know, that night you used to do things like going downtown or seeing a movie that's not rated PG:

...conversing with other moms at preschool about how your boys' obsession with Star Wars is maybe paternally genetic and actually feeling better knowing you're not the only one with 6 light-sabers (or savers or favors or whatever) at your house.

...acknowledging that there are more germs on the sleeve of your son's shirt than you ever thought you would have in your entire house, you know, back when you were a perfect mom before you actually had any kids.

...your heart swells when you see the look of pure love and adoration in their eyes that little boys strictly reserve for their mommas :)

...knowing you have two fans for life who somehow manage to see all of your good qualities even when you are unshowered, tired and impatient!


Erica said...

Hilarious and yet oh so true! Who knows maybe you'll have a girl this time to soften things up a bit or maybe she'll be a complete tomboy since she would have two older brothers! Your last part is so true, boys are so loving (not that my daughter can't be too)!

Kelli said...

I love having my little guy. I'm not there with Star Wars and pee on the wall yet but soon I'm sure.


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