Monday, May 16, 2011

Living with less is really more.

Over the last 12 months there has been a pretty silent but prevalent movement in our family to simplify. Scale back. Waste less. Use less. Organize even more. Strip back the unnecessary.

Maybe it's because with 3 kids we hit some magic threshold wherein we really see the value of our time and the potential mountain of crap that would permeate the walls of our house if we let it. I don't know.

But the movement persists happily.

And it is so refreshing to have cleared out spaces, a few bare cupboards, a few less monthly bills such as a land phone line, lots of tv channels, expensive hair cuts, junk birthday gifts bought at the last minute (I now exclusively give $10 birthday money to any child whose party we are invited to), and so many more things I can't think of right now.

This mindset will hopefully allow us to be better stewards of our income, as we would like to own another investment property very soon.

It hasn't been the most easy transition to really regard items and ask "do I really need this?" etc, and of course we still do treat ourselves to plenty of life's luxuries. But the focus is on quality not quantity and it really has helped our quality of life improve.

Living with less really is living more...

[Finally facing "the crate situation". These are just a fraction of the kids clothes we have stored in the garage. Going to go through and pick out the best stuff for Nolan for the next 5 years and donate the rest at my trip to get all of Warren's clothes for 2nd grade. Oh and look at my cute new ruffly Roxy purse I got on clearance... LOVE! :)... okay this caption is getting out of control...]

So, if you know me in real life, now you know why I am so obsessed with our gas/electricity and water bills (which were $138 and $59 respectively this month!) and why I am meal planning to use up ALL of the groceries we buy rather than falling into the trap of buying large quantities of "sale" items and ultimately throwing half of it away. This is working for us! :)

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