Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Toilet Training, Chapter 1

We have been at it for a few days, and it is going along just as I recall from the last two times. Bummer, turns out Nolan is not a potty training prodigy and this is sure to be a somewhat rocky road until he is done.

This week is all about increasing his awareness with all things pee and poop.

Why now?

So glad you asked! The weather is warming up; so lots of opportunity to be outside (I'm sure you can guess why that is helpful), and next week is Spring Break so we will be home a lot more without running back and forth to school etc, and because it just feels like the right time to start.

How is it going?

Pretty well, actually! I am even impressed with myself and my patience and persistence. I really do feel like I am a bit of an old pro at this, and that is encouraging!
What are you doing, as in what method of toilet training?

I call it the cold turkey method. As in quitting diapers cold turkey, with the exception of at night for a while. He is in underwear from the time he waked up until he goes to sleep. I take him and set him on the toilet at least once per hour. Now, all clean up activities take place in the bathroom and he is very much aware of his messes in his underwear, since he has to step out of his underwear and we either feel the wet mess or dump the solid mess in the toilet together.

He has pooped in the toilet once so far and peed once only because I poured warm water over him to make him go. So, yeah, not a lot of success yet but he is becoming oh so much more aware of his body and its functions.

When he has peed on the floor he says "pee" and he knows all the other pertinent words too, so we are good there.

I give him a sticker on his hand each time he sits on the toilet. Now to be fair he has been eating them (they are very small) but whatever, I think he gets that it is a reward for sitting on the toilet.

His big brothers are very encouraging telling him he is a big boy wearing underwear and showing him when they use the toilet. So much family fun happening in the bathroom! :)

This is roughly the same age as the other two started and he has to be completely potty trained by his third birthday to start preschool in the Fall of 2012. Seems far away, but really I know it will be here in a flash!

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