Thursday, July 24, 2008

Teri Hatcher Hates Going to the Gym

Well, a couple weeks ago a mysterious new addition showed up on my key chain, see evidentiary photo #1:

Accompanied by my husband not so casually mentioning that perhaps going to the gym could help with my persistent insomnia and all the great exercise to be had at the gym could help with my rhymes with mosquito too! (the exclamation point is referring to his enthusiasm, not mine) I supplant that "my rhymes with mosquito is just fine, thank you, I am just TRYING to get some much needed sleep and your mosquito keeps buzzing around waking me up" ;) Okay, this is a family with me, people!

Then I proceed to use my googling prowess to find out who else hates going to the gym that I can align myself with for world gym-hater domination...oh maybe I DO like the gym...see evidentiary photo #2 from my first google hit for gym haters

Yeah, sorry, Teri, your way-too-broad smile freaks me out and is it just me or does her right eye seem to know something that the left eye doesn't?

I am more likely to align myself with Richard Simmons, from team gym lover - he seems much more welcoming and understanding, anyhow.

So, here I go, going to give it a go-go (as Richard would say) at the gym today. Hey, if this doesn't pan out I will just keep a can of OFF! on my nightstand and continue to beg my physician to refill my Ambien perscription...

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! You seem to have quite the gift of humor, also. And, wow! When I worked, and had two kids, I barely had time to pee, let alone blog! Good for you for keeping up on it and keeping track of your kids lives for later! Way to go, mommy! :-)


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