Saturday, February 14, 2009

the post in which I blather on and on about Jack

This one's for you, Jack. I am writing this imagining grown-up Jack reading this many years from now (your sleeves are pushed up and you still have an ornery sparkle in your eyes).

~I sometimes put long sleeve shirts on you, JUST to watch you incessantly push them up, it is so cute and illustrates your personality trait for having things just how you like them, no more, no less.

~It absolutely cracks me up that a month ago I could HARDLY get you to poop in the toilet (sorry if this is TMI, but one day when you are potty training your own child you will appreciate the humor!), and now we call you the "Ninja Pooper." Why, you might ask, would we give you such a ridiculous moniker? Well, that's because nowadays, you sneak into the bathroom and deposit the goods without so much as a whisper to anyone regarding what you are about to do or have just done. SO, my little secret pooper, I am left with the distinct chore of washing all of you little britches if you catch my drift. Skid marks are such an understatement.

It is funny because I remember Warren having a short-lived phase were I would find the occasional random unclaimed little "deposit" in the toilet, without a trace of toilet paper...but as soon as I made it clear to him that it is very important to wipe and flush, he transitioned to the "Mom! I'm done, come wipe me!" phase that he is still in to this day.

So, Ninja Pooper, you are lucky you are SO darn cute that I am able to look past what I am constantly confronted with in the laundry room ;)

~A couple of your latest trademarks...telling me daily that you love me and are going to marry me when you grow up. Hah! Your future real wife has some big shoes to fill *ahem* just kidding, I'm sure she is/will be great and I will only judge her in my head :)

You have been spending HOURS at the bathroom sink playing with little plastic animals, filling up the sink, soaking your shirt, letting your imagination run WILD. I love it! You are such a neat kid, Jack. I hope this ability to entertain yourself suits you well in life.

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